Governor's Advisory Council for
Exceptional Citizens

Lacie Spence

Learn more about Lacie Spence
Lacie Spence

Lacie Spence graduated from Polytech High School and received her technical diploma in Dental Assisting in 2002. She then proceeded to earn her degree in Dental Hygiene from Delaware Technical and Community College in 2006. Throughout college, Ms. Spence received training from “Practice Without Pressure,” a clinical philosophy and approach to providing medical, dental, and personal care procedures to anyone who experiences stress or anxiety, especially people with intellectual or cognitive disabilities, and she also conducted her table clinic on treating patients with autism. For 15 years, she worked as a dental hygienist for a private practice in which she served people from diverse backgrounds, including individuals with various disabilities. Through continuing education courses over the years, Ms. Spence has expanded her knowledge on challenges that persons with disabilities face, particularly when it comes to dental and healthcare treatment. She always has possessed a passion for learning more about the disability community and has been volunteering and doing contract work for the GACEC since 1998. During that time, Ms. Spence helped to create an oral health curriculum for preschoolers, which included adaptive techniques for children with disabilities. She has presented the curriculum to numerous preschools in Delaware and shared it with preschool teachers throughout the State. Ms. Spence is a wife and mother of three children and looks forward to continuing to devote her skills and enthusiasm to creating a positive impact for individuals with disabilities. Ms. Spence is the Administrative Coordinator of the GACEC.
