Governor's Advisory Council for
Exceptional Citizens

Kristina Horton

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Learn more about Kristina Horton

Kristina Horton is the mother of two sons, one of whom has been diagnosed with mental health disorders and is considered an advanced academic student, placing him in the twice exceptional student category. Aside from caring for her children with the help and support of her husband, her career focus has also been on providing support to families that include children with developmental delays and disabilities. Kristina’s passion for serving families began when she worked as an intensive in-home counselor for children with mental health diagnoses. This inspired further career choices that ultimately afforded her the opportunity to work as a Family Service Coordinator/Early Childhood Educator with the Child Development Watch team in New Castle County. This opportunity changed her life in many ways; it prepared her for supporting her own children and their developmental needs, and it further ignited her career aspirations. Kristina went on to work in various roles within Child Development Watch, studying the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C, and supporting families through their journey in early intervention. She became the Part C Coordinator for Delaware in 2020; in 2022, she began working at the Delaware Department of Education as the IDEA Part C Lead Agency Transition Manager, a role that has given Kristina an opportunity to ensure that services are provided in ways that truly support families and empower them to advocate for their children. She earned a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Liberty University. She is pursuing a License of Professional Clinical Mental Health to further her passion for serving children and their families. Kristina serves on the GACEC in the role of parent of a child with a disability and is honored to participate in advocating for parents and communities in this capacity.
