Governor's Advisory Council for
Exceptional Citizens

Jessica Mensack

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Learn more about Jessica Mensack

Jessica Heesh Mensack, D.N.P., is married with four children, two of them with disabilities, one of whom also has significant complex medical needs. Based on her years of caring for her own children and her family’s experiences with dynamic healthcare, educational, and social-emotional environments, she was confident she could support greater change within the State. Dr. Heesh Mensack is a clinician and consultant for families and children with disabilities and an advocate for disability services, comprehensive access, and quality programs within Delaware’s communities. She received her undergraduate degree from Wesley College, her master’s degree from Wilmington University, and her doctoral degree specializing in Nursing and Executive Leadership from The George Washington University. Identifying the need in Delaware for additional support for families with children with disabilities, in 2013 she founded her business, Healthy Matters, LLC, which provides health and wellness consultation and care coordination services to families. Dr. Heesh Mensack also has advised agencies on quality control and IDEA regulations and has designed outreach programs to bridge gaps between agencies, families and their clinicians providing a medical home model of care. In addition to her knowledge of nursing and medicine across the continuum of care, she specializes in pediatric palliative care, finding that children with chronic, debilitating, or medically complex conditions warrant a whole child, quality of life approach in their day-to-day care. Prior to these responsibilities, Dr. Heesh Mensack performed charge nurse duties and led staff within local hospitals, caring for individuals of all ages. Her expertise and interests include strategic planning, policy and program advisement, relationship building, leading change initiatives across partners and programs, operational leadership, data review, oversight, and family support, focusing on program impacts and quality-of-life outcomes for individuals with disabilities and exceptionalities. Dr. Heesh Mensack serves on the GACEC in the role of parent of children with disabilities. Dr. Heesh Mensack was appointed to the GACEC in 2021 and is the Chairperson of the Data-Informed Organizational Development Workgroup, Chairperson of the Individuals with Complex Medical Conditions and Education Ad Hoc, Vice-Chairperson of the Policy and Law Committee, Vice- Chairperson of the Membership Committee, and a Leadership
Committee At-Large member. She serves on the GACEC in the role of parent of children with
